1st May 2022 | Ioane Taom
As of yesterday, April 30th, our inept government has finally passed the long-delayed Tinakula Eruption Bill. Though it was a bill meant to address the immediate concerns of the people after the recent sudden disasters, it took the government nearly a month and more to pass with a bare minimum majority. Not only has it come late, it is also riddled with later amendments, leading to mass confusion and delay of relief operations. Further, despite the cumbersome amendments, the bill still fails to address key issues like cleaning up the volcanic ashes in the end.
During our incompetent MP’s political gridlock, local councils and community elders have taken charge in relief efforts. Grassroots groups have transported urgent drinking and foods to areas that have suffered and provided basic medical care for those affected by the ashes. Further, local groups have also started reconstruction of submerged buildings. Ehukai Baoro, a leader of one of these groups in the Gilbert Islands have written to us, asking “Why is the government taking so long to respond to pressing issues? They have left us alone by ourselves and thank God the Kiribati people are a hardy and sturdy people who are capable by ourselves. What is the use of such a government?”
Further, as predicted, rainfall has washed away much of the ashes on land and in nearby ocean areas. However, some of the ashes have contaminated the lagoons, contaminating various freshwater sources including numerous wells throughout our nation. The presence of causeways and seawalls has made it such that it is hard for the ocean to wash the lagoons away. Currently, there is still enough rainfall for sustenance, but the contaminated wells mean that a drought would be a life-threatening situation.
Our various ministries have also failed to respond to this crisis, with ministers caring more about their position as an MP than to fulfill the responsibilities that fall within their jurisdiction and, therefore, the welfare of their constituency rather than the nation’s benefits at large. The copious amount of time spent debating about where to set the center for transport efforts shows the members’ greedy vie for power. They have tried to benefit themselves in a national crisis — and last night was a shameful, ludicrous display of this fact.
President Maamau’s government’s negligent behavior —- exemplified by the complete lack of any sort of meeting of his cabinet —- is disgusting and a spit on the face of the hard efforts of the Kiribati people suffering from their incompetence. Where are the cabinet directives that display executive action, which arecrucial in a crisis? What are the party leaders doing letting their members fight with each other instead of cooperating to solve this common issue? Further, though President Maamau's government has emphasized the fostering of diplomatic relationships with China, they have failed to, at this crucial juncture, utilize this very relationship that they have spent so long to cultivate. They have removed diplomatic ties with Taiwan and restored ties with China because, they claim, China can offer much more resources and funds for our development efforts. Yet, none of these promises have been fulfilled.
This past month has been a dark splotch in our nation’s history and we must fix our mistakes to place our next foot forward into the future.
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