Sunday, March 27, 2022




06:12 AM on 20th September 2022

凤凰群岛的面积大概有 408,250 公里,所以调查整个地区对任何一个团队绝对是不可能的任务。所以,我们团队选择集中我们的努力在某些地区。

我们的调查范围包括布尔尼,广东,和尼古马洛洛群岛(Birnie, Kanton and Nikumaroro ),三个历史上对Kiribati这个国家有价值的地方。这三个地方也是我国在凤凰群岛开放后,将会集中进行钓鱼活动的地方。

凤凰群岛拥有这世界最宏大的珊瑚礁,而因为这在2010年被UNESCO放进世界遗产。经过几个月的调查,我团队发现这几个岛没有受到任何污染,而且也没有任何对着环境的生物多样性有重要性的因素。 在这地区进行钓鱼活动绝对不会破坏环境,反而我国钓鱼者的优良血统和基因会帮助这个地区的动物。所以我们建议我国的钓鱼者在这地区扔大量的食物和尽量得撒尿。

Super Idol的笑容都没你的甜八月正午的阳光都没你耀眼热爱 105 °C的你滴滴清纯的蒸馏水你不知道你有多可爱跌倒后会傻笑着再站起来你从来都不轻言失败对梦想的执着一直不曾更改很安心 当你对我说不怕有我在放着让我来勇敢追自己的梦想那坚定的模样Super Idol的笑容都没你的甜八月正午的阳光都没你耀眼热爱 105 °C的你滴滴清纯的蒸馏水在这独一无二属于我的时代不怕失败来一场痛快的热爱热爱 105°C的你滴滴清纯的蒸馏水




Phoenix is ​​approximately 408,250 kilometers long, so the area is surveyed, and any team can say it's a mission accomplished in this area. Therefore, our team has chosen to focus on certain fields in the area.

Our survey included three regions of Burnie, Canton and Nikumaroro, three places of historical value to Kiribati. These three places are also the places where my country will focus on fishing activities after the opening of the Phoenix.

Phoenix has the largest reef in the world and was left behind by the world in 2010.After several months of investigation, my team found that the islands were not polluted in any way, nor were there any factors that were important to the biodiversity of the environment. Fishing in this area will never damage the environment, on the contrary, the excellent blood and genes of our fishermen will help the animals in this area. So it is recommended that anglers drop and defecate a lot here.

Bai Junping

Shanghai Jiaotong University

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